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Get my free Vitamin C Fact Sheet and Dosing Guides!

Want to know the myriad of things Vitamin C is responsible for and suggestions on how much to take? Check out my infographic guide that will do that - and probably leave you wanting to know more.

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    “Vitamin C is responsible for more things in your body than most people realize. It can fix so many things because its deficiency causes so many things.”

    Jennifer Little-Fleck

    Pittsburgh, PA

    What you get:

    Vitamin C Fact Sheet that explains some of the main things that Vitamin C is responsible for.

    Vitamin C Dosing Guides that gives you the dosing recommendations from many different institutions, and a suggestion on how to start supplementing.

    Full reference list and further reading recommendations.

    What is it all about?

    One of the biggest problems we have as humans is that we can't make out own Vitamin C—unlike most mammals. We have to get it from dietary sources.

    While it can be found easily in food, most people do not even eat the recommended daily intake to prevent scurvy. Moreover, people do not realize that we need to consume more when we are not perfectly healthy. Animals triple and quadruple their production when they are sick.

    When is the last time you said, "I"m not feeling well - I should probably increase my Vitamin C intake today."

    Animals' bodies just do it - we have to think about it and then eat more. But how much more?